Too Much Screen Time? How to Ensure Your Child's Development isn't Compromised

Jan 18, 2023 Post by Lucy Carter

Kid watching cartoon in a tablet

It's difficult to imagine life before screens in today's digital age. Screens are everywhere, from smartphones to tablets, computers, and televisions, and it's no surprise that children spend more time in front of them than ever before. While screen time can be educational and entertaining, it is important to consider the impact it can have on child development. In this blog post, we'll look at the potential negative effects of too much screen time and how to balance it with traditional play to ensure your child's development isn't jeopardized.

The Impact of Screen Time on Child Development:

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under the age of two should have no screen time at all, while older children should have limited, high-quality screen time. This is due to the fact that excessive screen time can harm a child's development in a variety of ways, including:

Kid consuming screen time at night and in an dark environment

  • Delayed language development: Research has found that children who spend more time in front of screens have delayed language development. This is due to the fact that screens can be distracting and make it difficult for children to concentrate on conversation and language.
  • Reduced social skills: Children who spend more time in front of screens are less likely to interact with others and develop social skills. This can cause problems with social interactions and communication later in life.
  • Obesity risk: Children who spend more time in front of screens are less active, which can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity.
  • Poor sleep quality: Children who spend more time in front of screens tend to have poor sleep quality, which can lead to a host of problems, including fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

Balancing Screen Time with Traditional Play:

While it is important to limit screen time, it is also critical to provide children with ample opportunities for traditional play. Here are some pointers for balancing screen time and traditional play:

  • Limit your screen time. Set clear boundaries and guidelines for your child's use of technology. This could include setting time limits, having designated "tech-free" times, or only allowing technology use in certain areas of the house.
  • Encourage traditional play. Make sure your child has access to a variety of traditional play activities and toys. This can include puzzles, art supplies, books, and outdoor toys.

Children paying outdoor in the nature

  • Lead by example. Children learn by example, so if you want your child to limit their screen time, you must do the same. Set a good example by putting your own devices away and engaging in traditional play activities with your child.
  • Schedule screen-free time. Set aside specific times during the day for the entire family to unplug and engage in traditional play activities together. This could be before bedtime, during meals, or on weekends.
  • Participate in outdoor activities. Encourage your child to spend time outside, whether it's playing sports, hiking, or exploring nature. Outdoor play has numerous advantages for child development, including improved physical health, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.


It's important to remember that technology isn't inherently harmful to children. In fact, it can be a useful tool for both learning and entertainment. However, it is critical to balance screen time with traditional play to ensure that your child's development is not jeopardized. Setting limits, encouraging traditional play, leading by example, scheduling screen-free time, and engaging in outdoor activities can help your child achieve a healthy balance of both.

"Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. We hope it has been informative and helpful in understanding the impact of screen time on child development and how to balance it with traditional play. We appreciate your support and would love to hear your thoughts. Happy parenting!"

[NOTE: Are you ready to give your child the best of both worlds? Begin promoting a balance of screen time and traditional play by visiting our website now and browsing our selection of stimulating, development-focused toys. Act now to maximize your child's growth and well-being!]